In tribute to 'Oro.
The 'Arioi contributed to its expansion and power. Because the more a god is known, recognized and adored, the more power and mana he acquires. The festivities took place on specific dates. Obviously no written calendar like these days,
the ancient Polynesians divided the year into 2 great royal seasons "Te Tau Ari'i" marked by two periods:
• Matarii i Ni'a, around November 20 when the season of abundance begins (Te Tau 'Auhune)
• Matarii i Raro, around May 20, with the disappearance of the Pleiades and the beginning of the season of scarcity (Te Tau O'e).
The transition from one period to another was a key moment in ancient life and was marked by important rites and rituals. the 'Arioi identified these periods through the appearance and disappearance of the Pleiades. The materialization of these periods was “also visible through the abundance of food on land and at sea in matari'i i ni'a, in times of plenty. Or nothing at all, otherwise in matari'i i raro, in a so-called period of scarcity. It is therefore the elements of abundance, which also characterize the worship of this god, who I remind you is the god of fertility and fecundity.
Fertility and fecundity found both in nature and for humans.
Thus, the human, nature and the gods, for the Polynesians are inseparable.
The god 'Oro was honored by the 'Arioi through their dances, songs, rituals and presence during matari'i i ni'a. And during the matari'i i raro, a period of scarcity,
the learnings were propitious, because it is the austral winter, it is cool, the Earth and the Men are resting.
the Fare 'Arioi are eagerly preparing for the next season of plenty. During this festive period of 6 months certain categories of this caste will be able to
move to islands and thereby honor 'Oro and spread his mana. Being part of these trips is a real honor, because the artists acquire a status and they can benefit from the privileges due to the caste of the 'Arioi. Thus to be 'Arioi is not simply to belong to a social category, a group, a caste. It is a status, a privilege. Privilege that sometimes even a great chef does not have. Because it is 'Oro, through the 'Arioi who moves in the clan of the ari'i. The 'Arioi were the repositories of artistic traditions. And animated in particular the so-called 'upa'upa festivities which included: Dances, songs, music, theater or wrestling, and much more. In 1819, with the support of English missionaries, the Pōmare code was promulgated prohibiting 'upa'upa.
This code will forever change the life as well as the habits and customs of the Polynesians.
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